반응형 GitHub Graduation-20221 깃허브 졸업 후기(GitHub Graduation-2022) 깃헙에서 졸업식을 한다고 메일이 왔다. 참여 방법은 다음의 링크에서 천천히 읽어보고 그대로 따라하면 된다. https://github.com/education/GitHubGraduation-2022 GitHub - education/GitHubGraduation-2022: Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 11. Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 11. - GitHub - education/GitHubGraduation-2022: Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on Jun.. 2022. 7. 12. 이전 1 다음 반응형